5 easy ways to earn money from blog in short time
Hello everyone how are you all hope you are well. If you have a personal blog or site or are thinking of blogging, remember that there are still some golden opportunities to make money online. By turning on monetization from a blogging website, money is currently being earned in various ways. And because of not knowing this, reluctance towards blogging means not wanting to do it !
So in today's discussion I will share with you how you can earn money through blogging by adopting the easiest and best methods. You may have understood by now that today we are going to discuss how you can earn money from your blogging website through various means so let's get started without further delay;
Earning money through AdSense means how do you earn money by showing ads ?
Friends, in today's discussion, the first medium that I will discuss is to earn money by showing ads, which is what we call advertising in pure Bengali language. Let me tell you a little bit about it if you have a blogging website but after getting AdSense approved on that website you can earn a good amount of money by showing ads of other products on your website.
Earn money through Adsense ; When you blog about a topic, you will write different articles or post different types of posts on your website. Then you follow Google's advertising rules for your website and after getting AdSense, when your website will be totally monetized and when many visitors start coming to your website, you will be paid by displaying ads in front of them.
That is, from where you will get money, I have said above. It is the most popular medium in the world to earn money through adsense or to earn money from blogging.
Let me tell you again for the convenience of your understanding, when many visitors come to your website to read your posts, if you show the ad of any other company's product in your post to the visitors who come to your website and from there they buy the products of that company. A part of the profit of that company by selling that product will be given to you as commission.
That is, you can earn money by showing ads while sitting. Hope you have no problem understanding this time. But in order to earn money in this way, you must have AdSense approved by Google in your account. If you don't have AdSense, you can't use it. I hope I have convinced you.
How to make money from blogging and affiliate marketing ?
Earn money by affiliate marketing ; Many of you may have a little idea about affiliate marketing. Affiliate marketing is any product of various e-commerce sites or any business site. If you link any post on your website and give it as a suggestion, that is, you suggest to the visitors of your website that if you buy this product, you will gain
Earn money by affiliate marketing ; And by clicking on that link, if the visitors who come to your website buy that product after seeing the post in your suggestion, then you will get a certain amount of commission from that company or that e-commerce site, that is, you can just sit at home and link a product to your website. You can earn money by posting it, it's very interesting, isn't it?
Earn money by affiliate marketing ; To facilitate your understanding, I am giving an example. Suppose you have written a post on your website about going somewhere, i.e. a post about travel. And suppose in that post the things we need to travel somewhere like bags, glasses, dresses, these things are sold on e-commerce sites and asked you to put a link of their site in your post.
Earn money by affiliate marketing ; And they will give you a certain amount of commission from the sales of their products. Now tell me if you get the opportunity to earn such money sitting at home, then don't miss it. So this is another nice way to earn money from blogging website hope you have no problem to understand.
How to earn money by selling products in digital marketing ?
Earn money with digital marketing ; Now the topic that I will talk about is a business topic, that is, suppose you have an online business, that is, you sell products online, but you can make your online business more popular from your blogging website. That is, by giving a link to your business site in any question written on your website, you can make it viral.
Earn money with digital marketing ; That is, whether the products you want to sell are digital or sold physically by placing an online order, you can earn money by adopting this method. But if you want, you can add online payment system there. You can earn a good amount of money by marketing your product but monetizing your blogger site.
Earn money by digital marketing ; Because through this you can promote your products due to which they will sell a lot and you will understand that your pocket will be full.
How to earn money online through subscription ?
Earn money through subscriptions ; Many of us don't have much idea about subscription. Substitution is many of us in Bangladesh but we don't read newspapers like Prothom Alo then the daily star and there are many more that we read. But these magazines have some substitution payments.
Earn money through subscriptions ; What you don't understand let's explain one thing many people have premium ID card through which they read newspaper ie there are some websites which you need to login using premium ID card. To access that website, you need to purchase a subscription to that website.
Earn money through subscriptions ; You understand that you must pay Prothom Alo to receive a subscription to such websites. Similarly, when your website will become very premium, hope will be very old and many visitors will come, then even if you can take subscription from your website, the rest will have to take subscription only after paying. However, your ID should be very professional and old and popular.
How to earn money by coaching online ?
Earn money by coaching online ; Many of you know that nowadays there are many online platforms that are gaining a lot of popularity by coaching through online. Let me tell you the name of a popular online coaching platform that is Ten Minute School, that is, it was not so popular at first but it has gradually become so.
Earn money by coaching online ; For example, if you are an expert in any subject, such as photography, graphic design, English, then you can show your expertise online and slowly earn money through it, that is, if you want, you can share your talent with others online. Earn money by teaching others what you know i.e. coaching them online.
Earn money by coaching online ; Then in that case your blogging website will help you a lot suddenly you can promote your other online services through your website. Through which people will know about you and want to learn from you the things that you experience. And you can earn a good amount of money by selling your talent to them.
Earn money by coaching online ; That is, if you want, you can share your videos online to let others know that you want to teach them, thereby increasing your popularity. Hope you have no problem understanding. And you may know that this medium has become very popular in Bangladesh, that is, teachers are also earning money by doing their classes online through video and setting a certain amount.
How to earn money online through sponsorship ?
Earn money online through sponsorship ; Sponsorship is very interesting that is when you reach the pinnacle of success then your journey will start that means when your blogging website will become very famous and viral when it will be liked by everyone then you will get many visitors to your website and then many more. You will be offered sponsorship from the company.
That is, any company will contact you and ask you to write an article about our company, that is, promote our company on your website or promote our product, let everyone know about us, that we can provide this service to everyone. They will give you some work to promote their company for which they will give you a good amount of money.
If you understand how many ways you can earn money. Also, if your website has AdSense, you can earn a huge amount of money from them by displaying their company's ad on your website. In this way, when other companies will know about your website, they will offer you the same and thus your income will increase day by day. Hope you have no problem understanding.
So this was our discussion today. If you have read my post carefully, then now you have a question in your mind. I understand how to make money from blogging. But don't worry about how to create a blogging website. You will have a complete post on how to create a blogging website tomorrow. You will get and I will give the link of that post at the very top of this post so that you can start your online income journey.
Author's comments
You may not have any difficulty in understanding how to earn money from a blogging website in many ways. The present age is the age of the internet. Most of the work is done online. That is, if you can set up a blogging website or an online platform. Earning money later on will not be too difficult for you. Hope I have given you correct information. So stay with Akash City as I am leaving here today.
May God bless you all.
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