How many views on the website how much income ?

There are many of you who don't know how much money can be earned after getting adsense on the website. Everyone who has a website is interested to know how many views on my website I can earn so much money.

Anyway, I will clear all doubts in my discussion today. So that you no longer have any difficulty in understanding how many views on your website will actually earn you money. So let's begin ;

How much income from the website ?

By listening to my chatter, you may have understood what we are going to research today. Yes you have guessed right today we will discuss how much money we can earn if we have a website and if we have AdSense setup then how many views we can earn. So let's get started without further delay;

In most cases, those of us who have a website or have our own website doubt that after setting up Adsense on the website, how many views can we earn money? Or how many views on the website, how much money will be earned? Again there is a lot of doubt that how many clicks on our website will actually earn money? However, in this short discussion we will answer all kinds of questions today, so let's find out;

How many views on the website, how much money is the income?

Let us explain to you with an example that how many views on the website, how much money is the income? Suppose your website is getting 14 million views this month, then how much can your income be? Your income will be $1400. Now you may be wondering that Allah will earn $100 per 100,000 views. It may seem a bit difficult, but slowly, it will become much easier for you, that is, you have understood by now that you will get 100 dollars for 1 lakh views.

For your convenience, the income may not be the same every month i.e. the views may not be the same. Your income will come from your views and clicks on your ad. In many months the income will be more, in many months it will be less and again you will see that in many months the amount has become more than this income. So that's the point now you probably don't have a problem understanding how many views are coming and how many dollars you can earn, I hope you understand.

If you don't click on the ad, what will be the income ?

So far we know that how many views on the website can actually be how much income but another important thing than the view is the click expectation on the ad. Let's explain the matter clearly to you, by now you may have understood how many views are coming and how much money will be earned.

But do you know that advertisement is the main way to earn money on the website i.e. most of your income will come only by clicking on the advertisement i.e. if the visitor clicks on your advertisement then you can earn more money not only from views.

Money comes if your visitor clicks on the advertisement that you set on your website, then your money income will increase from there. That is, I hope you have understood that more and more clicks should come on the ad that you have set.

In terms of income from the website, the click hope on the ad on the website is more important than the view, it increases the amount of your name, I hope you do not have any difficulty in understanding.

From which device more visitors come to the website ?

Before asking this question, you may be thinking that more visitors are likely to come from the phone. Yes, you are right, most of the visitors, that is, 95% of the visitors out of 100 come from the phone. Because we all don't have desktops or laptops, all of us have only smartphones in our hands, so it is natural that most of the visitors will be phone users on your website.

So if you setup a theme on your website then it must be mobile friendly so that people who access your website from phones. They can easily read the posts on your website. Hope you understand. The question was very simple how many views actually how much money is earned I want to explain to you in detail that ;

If you have your own website then you must first try to setup adsense because website income starts after getting adsense i.e. your first target will be to setup adsense on website and all the conditions to get adsense are fulfilled then get adsense After that your first target will be to manage mobile friendly website.

I mean people who use phone most of the time browsing the website, most of the visitors to the website will be the people who use phone. Hope you understand. And if you think about your income views, then you have understood that one lakh viewers will actually be your income of 100 dollars.

But if that viewer clicks on the ad on your website then your income will increase a lot so understand the importance of the ad on the website. And to run it must have AdSense.

Author's comments

The first thing you need to acquire to earn from a website is AdSense. Because only after achieving that you can slowly start earning from your website. So start working without delay and if you can work with focus then your success will reach your door. Best wishes to all of you.

May God bless you all.

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