How to create a blogging website in just 2 minutes ?

Hello everyone, how are you, I hope you are all well. Well, how can you make a website in just 2 minutes?

If you follow the rules exactly as I am going to tell you then you too can create a professional website in just 2 minutes today.

Having a stable presence online is important in this modern age, whether it is for any type of business or any type of content, there are other reasons why having an online platform is so important. By platform I mean having a website.

Because a website helps to complete your online world. Many of you think that to create a website you need to know coding in a professional way, but that is not the case, today I will share with you how to create a professional website without knowing coding, so there is no reason to worry.

Don't believe it, if you can create a website following the correct rules that I will tell you today, then you will have many benefits to accept that you can create a website without knowing coding. Now take a hard look down ;

How to create a website ?

  • The first thing you need to do to create a website is to go to a site called from your chrome browser.
  • Once inside, you will see four options on the top right side.
  • Among those 4 options, click on an option called Website Builder.
  • In this option called Website Builder, you will actually see a purple button option called Claim Deal on the left side. Click one.
  • After coming to the Claim Deal option, you will see an option called Website Builder and Web Hosting.

How much does it cost to create a website ?

  • Under that option it will be written 2.99/mo i.e. Money means Taka, which if converted to Bangla Taka will be only 300 Taka i.e. with only 300 Taka you can create a professional website.
  • Just below it will be written an option called Add to cart, so click there.
  • After entering add to cart, an interface will appear in front of you where you will see that we have to select some items. Let us explain to you a little ;

What is domain and hosting and how to buy ?

  • Many of you may know that creating a website requires a domain and hosting. Because a website is visible to everyone through domain and hosting.
  • So we go back to where we were, that is, after entering Add to cart, many options will appear in front of us, in which the number 1 option will be Choose a period and many packages will be given below it.
  • In the packages first one month package will be given then twelve months package then 24 months then 48 months you can select 12 months out of this most of the people who make website prefer this 12 month package that is it will be good for you. I think
  • After selecting the twelve month package, you will come to option number 2 below, you will be asked to enter the email address that you usually use, that is, the password of which you always remember.

How to make payment ?

Please follow the rules below to make the payment ;

  • After giving the email address, there will be an option called Select payment in the third option.
  • So, in the Select Payment option, you will see the premium website builder option on the right side. Country option is given below where Bangladesh is written. After that, if you go down a little further, you will see Name on card and its number code and expiration date.
  • It can be your debit card number or credit card. If you don't have a debit or credit card, you can pay through a relative or you can make a debit card for yourself so that you don't have any difficulty in making international payments and later on someone's help. is not necessary.
  • So, when all the options are filled properly, you will see a purple button below, click on an option called Submit Secure Payment.
  • After clicking on submit secure payment, a code will be sent to the email you entered there, so please enter your email and collect the code.
  • After receiving the code, enter the option called Enter Code and click on the option called Submit.
  • After placing the code correctly, when you click on the Sabbir option, a notification will go to your email and it will say Verify your email address, so click on the Verify Email option.

How to set password ?

  • Once the email is verified, an interface will appear in front of you, it will be written Set new password and below it will be written Enter new password. You will enter a new password there that you can easily remember.

  • Once the password is set, you will see an option called Confirm below, click on it.

How to enter the website ?

  • After clicking you will see that your account is opened right from there you click on Start now option.
  • The inter fashion that you will be taken to will be written who are you creating the website for and below it will be written I"m creating it for myself. Click there.
  • After that it will be written Who is creating the website and below it will be I'm building it myself Click there.
  • Then you will be asked which type of website do you want to build? That is, what kind of website you want to create, you will see there, there is an option called Blog, click on it.
  • After clicking, an interface will appear in front of you, there will be two options, the option on the left side will be written Create a new website and the option on the right side will be written Migrate my website, so since a new website is being created, we will click on Create a new website.
  • After clicking, an interface will appear in front of you again, there will be two options at the top, the left side option will be written Hosting boulder with Ai and the right side option will be written Wordpress.
  • So we will select Hosting builder with Ai here and click on Select Hosting builder option below.

What is domain and hosting ?

After doing this, three options will appear in front of you, the first option will be given Select a free domain, then we will choose the free domain by clicking on the Select option below.

Many of you don't know what domain is so I am giving an example below ;

  • Domain =
  • And .com is hosting
  • So my suggestion to you is that you must choose .com hosting
  • You will select a domain name of your choice.

So go to Enter desired domain names below and choose a beautiful domain name for you, that is, after selecting the name that will be available, click on Continue option.

Then you will be brought to the interface where it will be written above Select Primary details, then there you will give the name of your country Bangladesh and click on the option called Personal between the two options below and click on the option called Next below.

After that, the interface that will appear will have Enter contact details written on it, so fill in the required information and click on the Finish Registration option below.

How to choose a website name ?

  • When your domain registration is completed, you will see Let's create you a site in 1 minute and below it will be written Start creating, then you will click on the Start creating option.

  • By clicking you will be given your brand name i.e. domain name.
  • Then your Website Type Blog will be given there.
  • Then you can write something about your blog in the description box below.
  • Then below you will see an option called Create a website, click on it. After clicking, the text Your website is ready will appear
  • This is done. After entering your website completely ready, go to the Enter full editing mood option on the right side at the top so that you can customize your website as you like.

This was our discussion today. In this way you can easily create a website of your choice in one to two minutes. So why delay, create a website of your choice and start your professional journey there. Wish you all the best. Hope you do well. I will write an article about how to earn money on the site and link it here so that it will be more convenient for you.

Author's comments

I tried my best to help you. If you can do the rules that I have told you here step by step, then you can have your own website. I wish you all the best, so I am leaving here for today.

Everyone will be fine and healthy, God bless.

এই পোস্টটি পরিচিতদের সাথে শেয়ার করুন

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এই পোস্টে এখনো কেউ মন্তব্য করে নি
মন্তব্য করতে এখানে ক্লিক করুন

আকাশ সিটির নীতিমালা দেখে কমেন্ট করুন। প্রতিটি কমেন্ট রিভিউ করা হয়

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