What are the requirements to get AdSense on a website and what are the conditions to be fulfilled ?

Assalamalaikum to all. Today's discussion is about those of you who are blogging, i.e. want to earn money from your blogging account through AdSense, that is, many of you do not know the exact conditions to be fulfilled to get AdSense in your blogging account. So in today's discussion I will answer all your questions so stay tuned from the beginning to the end.

So in order to get adsense in a blogger account, what should be in your account and what conditions should be fulfilled so that you can turn on monetization in your account today I will discuss with you in detail so let's start without delay ;

What is required to get AdSense on the website and what are the conditions to be fulfilled ?

Ok if you have a blogger account and you want to turn on monetization on that account to earn money, the conditions you need to fulfill, I will explain below step by step. And your work will be only to know them carefully, then look down a little, you will know everything;

Enter unique content to get AdSense on the website

The first thing that is required for monetization of a blogger account is some unique content created by you in your blogger account, that is, it can be seen that many people like you have their own website and they also publish many types of content every day. So you should have some content on your website i.e. write your content on topics that are not usually written by everyone.

So that everyone likes your content, due to which your blogger account will be very beneficial for visitors and your visitors will increase day by day. Hope you understand this. This is necessary to get Adsense on the website.

To get adsense on website you need to have multiple posts in your blogger account

When we go to work in any office or company, one thing we must have is qualification. Likewise, if you have a blogger account and you want to get AdSense on the website, it does not mean that you can earn money from it, but your eligibility must be verified. Now who will do the eligibility verification Your eligibility will undoubtedly be verified by Google.

That is, Google will have some conditions that you have to fulfill. Also one condition is that you must have more posts in your account and they must be your own posts. That is, if you copy the article from someone else's account and post it, then it is undoubtedly your wrong idea.

By doing this you will eat copyright and there is a possibility that your blogger account will be banned. So, of course, the posts that you write should be researched and written by yourself. This will help Google to verify your qualifications and keep in mind that every post you write should have at least 500 words. This is the second condition given by Google. These must be done to get adsense in blogger account.

To get AdSense on the website, check if your account is eligible for AdSense

So anyway now we come to our point number three which is Make Sure your site pages are ready for Aedsense I asked you to check whether your account is ready to get adsense or your account is special. And here two things must be followed by Google, the first of them is;

  • Consider the arrangement of the elements

That is, it is meant here that you have given photos in the posts that you have written in your account to convince your readers, or that you have arranged the links or videos that you have given properly in your posts. In other words, after writing your post, you are asked to consider whether you have edited it nicely. Also given here is that;

  • Providing comment section for your visitors

That is, the posts you write must have a comment section at the bottom, otherwise you will not be considered eligible for AdSense. Now we will move to the second condition that is;

  • Do you pages have clear, easy-to-use navigation ?

This condition is very important and interesting because this condition states that if people enter the website you are running, they will get the correct information i.e. it will be easy for them to read your posts. What to do where you go and how to read the posts on that website.

Any reader wants to be able to easily find the topic he wants to read about after entering the website and if he doesn't find it then he will never come to that website again and this is normal so if there is any such problem in your website then it is very Make it pretty quickly.

Because nowadays there are many websites which when entering it is found that the dropdown menus are not arranged properly or the main menu is not arranged properly also contact details are some options which are not arranged properly most of the readers want to go inside the main menu and post what they want to do. To find easily.

Because no one has the patience these days to scroll for a long time and then find the post, everyone wants shortcuts and easy means, so definitely, if the dropdown menu on your website is not arranged properly or the messages are usually arranged properly, arrange them nicely so that it is easy for the readers to read. Either and find any of their posts very easy to find.

By doing this, the readers who come to the website will get a lot of peace after reading your posts and they will feel comfortable to visit your website later. I hope you don't have any trouble understanding what I am saying so if there is any problem with your website please fix it now.

You must be above 18 years of age to get adsense on website

Now the question will arise in the mind of many that if I am below 18 years of age then can I not manage the website. The answer is yes of course I can but for that you have to open the website with the name of any one of you and give their details there.

This allows you to manage your website. I hope you have no problem understanding this matter. So let's move on to the next condition.

Avoid cheating readers

That is, there are many websites where usually many posts are written but the owners of those websites write many titles in the post which are not in their post i.e. not in your post but you have given the title only to get clicks but it is not convenient at all.

That is, a reader will enter your website believing but will not know what he wants to know, your readership will decrease and once Google finds out about it, your monetization option is likely to be cancelled, so stay away from app tricks or cheats. will stay Hope you have no problem understanding.

To get AdSense on the website, avoid giving the links which are prohibited to be set by Google

That is, there are many of you who post movie links or many types of video links or any kind of app links in the posts on the website, then definitely do not do this because the traveler must not refrain from linking those links which are prohibited to be placed inside the website. If you go later, various problems may appear on your website. I hope you understand.

One more thing for your convenience that only one google adsense is available for a person i.e. you can get adsense only once with the name with which you open account hope you understand.

Anyway, I have talked a lot, now let's come to the main point, i.e. I know what conditions need to be fulfilled for Google AdSense, now let me recap a little from them, that is, I will tell them all in a row so that it will be convenient for you to remember. Anyway, I will arrange the conditions below. Give it a little trouble to see;

  • First condition ; Your written content should be unique from the rest so that readers are interested in your written content.
  • Second condition ; You should have multiple posts on your account, the more the better, and your posts should be at least five hundred words.
  • Third condition ; Make sure that your blogger account is AdSense eligible i.e. your account has all the necessary features to get AdSense.
  • Fourth condition ; You must be above 18 years of age or be 18 years of age.
  • Fifth condition ; Avoid giving post titles that are not on your website just to get clicks.
  • Sixth condition ; Refrain from putting such links in the website posts that have been banned by Google at night.
Yes however if you can fulfill these conditions correctly then you will also be considered eligible to get AdSense on your website.

Many people may have a question that we have already applied for AdSense, then what should we do, in this case I will tell you that you should correct the deficiencies that are present on your website. And what I said above i.e. fill the conditions given by Google correctly.

If you re-arrange your website with the above conditions correctly and re-apply, if you can fulfill the above conditions and re-arrange your website correctly, after re-applying, you can also be considered eligible to get AdSense. So get down to work without delay and reapply.

Author's comments

Again I don't have anything to say if you have any kind of deficiency then without delay re-arrange the website and reapply I hope you will get your adsense I wish you all the best success you have to suffer a little but the deficiencies are not yours Try to fill them out on the website and move ahead. So I'm leaving here today.

May God bless you all

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