What happens when you eat tea and what harm does the body do when you eat tea ?

Many of you may like to drink tea, not only you, but I also like to drink tea, but do you know how much harm tea does to our body every day ? can stay

Today I will tell you what harm is done to our body by drinking tea and when we should eat it and when we should not eat it. If you read the whole carefully, then why delay ?

What is the harm to the body by drinking tea ?

Nowadays the habit of drinking tea is almost everywhere whether in the village or in the city and especially for those who live in the city, tea has become an important part of daily life i.e. ginger tea is a must have after waking up in the morning. Color tea or milk tea. But do we really know how much harm tea does to our body ?

No we don't know that. So if you want to be careful about drinking tea, then take a hard look below;

What happens after drinking tea ?

What harm does drinking tea do to the body after waking up in the morning ; In modern times, it has become a fashion to drink tea after waking up, i.e. we have to drink tea whether we wake up in the morning or not, but drinking tea on an empty stomach is very harmful to our body, thus drinking tea increases our gastric problems and especially the problem of ACD. Those who have it should not drink tea on an empty stomach after waking up in the morning.

But that doesn't mean that people who don't have the problem of ACD can drink tea on an empty stomach in the morning. Even if you don't have this problem, drinking tea on an empty stomach in the morning is absolutely not recommended for you and if you do, you will suffer from the problem of ACD later on. I hope you understand.

And for those who have a serious habit of drinking tea alone, I would suggest that you should not drink tea on an empty stomach right after waking up in the morning. Before drinking tea, have two glasses of water and some light food, then the harmful effect of tea on your body will be less and slowly. You will try to change the habit of drinking tea when you wake up in the morning.

Is eating tea unpleasant ?

Drinking too much tea causes damage to the body ; For those of you who are in the habit of consuming too much tea, if you look a little deeper, you will find that you do not have much of a taste for food, i.e. do not want to eat much. As a result we can't even eat food properly and because of this our body slowly starts getting very weak.

So if you want to keep your body healthy and strong, then stop drinking tea, I know it will be difficult at first, but slowly it will become a habit. People can do anything if they want.

Is tea less sleepy ?

What is the harm to the body by drinking tea after eating at night ; Many of us have a bad habit that we drink tea after eating at night and before going to sleep, but do we know what the clock of our body is, in fact, it would be wrong to say that the clock of the body is clocking, first the clock of our sleep is clocking, then the clock of the body is clocking.

A healthy person should get seven to eight hours of sleep regularly every day. It is only essential for you to get seven to eight hours of sleep at night. No, of course not, and due to lack of proper sleep, ink will fall under your eyes, your brain will not work properly and your body will be destroyed.

Because of which you cannot enjoy the beautiful environment during the day and can do your office work properly. So definitely don't drink tea after dinner.

What happens after drinking tea ?

What harm does tea do to the body ; Do you know that even the foods we eat regularly can't properly supply our body with nutrients due to tea consumption. Let me explain it to you a little bit. The tannic acid in the tea does not allow the iron in the food to enter our body properly.

That is, we are not getting the amount of nutrients that we should get from the foods that we eat every day because the tannic acid in the tea is destroying those nutrients. Due to which, if any disease suddenly appears in our body, those diseases do not want to sit in our body at all.

Because our body does not have the required immunity. I hope you will not drink tea from now on. And if you eat it, you must eat it at your own risk because I have warned you.

Does drinking tea increase pressure ?

What is the harm to the body of patients by drinking tea ; By patient I mean here generally especially those with blood pressure. The caffeine content in tea increases blood pressure to a great extent. Due to which the patient may become sicker and may have a lot of breathing problems. And besides, if such patients do not stop drinking tea, there is a possibility of having a stroke later. So of course those who have problems with blood pressure should not eat tea. And you can understand what will happen by playing.

What is the harm to the body by eating outside tea; Many of us when we go out with friends we order tea first whether we eat something else or not but do we know how they make tea how unhealthy it is made by hand they don't even change the tea leaves while making tea except with water.

It is not clear that the tea is being made, then try to eat something else because the tea made on the roadside can never be beneficial for the body rather it will make your body worse. I hope you understand what I mean. Again, those uncles who sell tea in flux on the road must not eat because the tea accumulated in the same place for a long time is very harmful to the body.

What is the damage to the body after eating tea and what kind of diseases can occur ?

In a word, we all love to drink tea and especially for those of us who live in the city, tea is the only way to hang out, but do we know how much harm it is doing to our body day by day? Of course it is.

First of all, I want to tell you something. Many of you think that drinking tea will make you feel better, but that is not the case. Even if you get a little peace for a moment, it is slowly causing a lot of damage to your body. A study has shown that excessive consumption of tea. It slowly spreads to all parts of our body and slowly weakens the cells inside our body and completely reduces our body's immune system which later causes a disease called Osteoporosis.

Which later takes a terrible form. You definitely don't want any such disease in your body. If you don't want then definitely stop drinking tea from today because tea is never good for our body. Rather, it will slowly weaken our body, reduce our immune system and make us sicker and weaker. Eventually you will become a patient. I hope you have understood this matter well now.

Does eating tea lose weight ?

Many of you think that drinking tea can lead to weight loss because most of the time we are shown on TV that drink this tea and drink that tea and you will lose weight without exercise but you think that sitting down will make you lose weight. If you don't sweat the fat, then how can you reduce it, so definitely don't listen to them.

Because it is always possible to lose weight through exercise, proper diet and proper exercise can help you lose weight. You are drinking three or four cups of tea. You may think that the more tea you drink, the faster you will lose weight. But because of what you are eating, the weight will not decrease but will increase. Because the amount of calories in china is entering your body through every cup of tea.

Due to which your body weight will increase more slowly instead of losing it. So if you want to lose body weight then follow some specific diet and do regular exercise and if you don't know the right rule then tell me in comment I will try to tell you the right rule through my article hope you understand whether drinking tea causes weight loss or gain .

Everyone goes to stay healthy I want you to wish everyone living in the world wants us to stay healthy and everyone's only wish is that we can leave the world healthy and not be at the mercy of anyone. Because to me, living and dying with kindness is the same. So you must try to keep your body healthy so that you can live on your own as long as you live on earth.

Author's comments

There are some things that you have to give up to stay healthy and one of them is drinking tea. I have already told you how to harm. So my suggestion would definitely be to avoid doing things that are harmful to your body. I chatted a lot and am leaving here today.

Until then, everyone will be healthy, God bless you.

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