What should be the importance of loving people?

What is love ?

am thinking about what to write today. To tell you the truth, I also love someone, so I suddenly thought that today, let's write a little about how the importance of a loved one should be, so why the delay ?

So I have a question for you first that if someone really loves someone then is it possible to really neglect him ?

I am giving the answer for you to compare. The truth is that it is not possible to neglect the people you love

Now you may say why ?

The truth is that when we love someone, that person becomes the most precious person in the world for us, we cannot think about anyone else except him. When he comes in front of me, I feel as if time would stop here and I would continue to see him like this. Funny thing is that if we really love someone once from our heart, how we feel when we go in front of that person.

The importance of loving people

For example:- If the loved one is in front and we walk in front of him and think that the way of walking is right, then it looks right, then we don't feel stupid.

Another interesting thing is that when we go in front of that person, our chest starts to throb, as if someone has shot an arrow in the chest.

It seems that if I had found this man once, I would have kept him for the rest of my life. Yes, this is love, it's like a magical feeling, as if a different color comes into life.

Do you know why we never get annoyed with the person we love? That is the one person in the world who gives us the most trouble if we stop annoying him, so there is no question of neglect or annoyance.

Author's comments

If you really love someone, then give him time, give importance to his opinion, if he is wrong, try to explain it to him with a cool head, if he does not understand, be patient, give him time to think alone, he will surely understand that quarrels in any relationship will be dirty. Cannot be closed.

 You have to continue talking even in the middle of a fight, so that all the thoughts will come out. Through this, you two will know each other better.

That does not mean that we will leave our loved ones, we should hold the hands of the loved ones and take them on the right path, explaining to them what is right and what is wrong.

If you explain to him in a cool way, he will definitely understand.

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