As you like it second question

       2. Consider as you like it as a romantic Comedy ***

Sketch the character of Rosalind ***
Comment on shakespeare’s  use of disguise in    as you like it **

 Answer ;

As you like it owes its charm and beauty to the flavour of love that pervades the plot.Shakespeare uses the idea of disguise in many of his plays.It is used as an escape from the characters personalities and sometimes for the comic effect .In as you like it the disguise becomes very comical as in the time it was written only men could act on stage.This could lead to much confusion and comedy in the roles of those in disguise. Disguise can give the freedom to a character to act how they like and a chance for them to show their views. In as you like it Rosalind and Celia Are also focused for Disguise.

furthering the idea of deceit and disguise leading to ultimate truth and realization looking at the way gender and disguise are related in as you like it through the disguise choices made by both main female characters is revealing. Shakespeare has created some of the most marvelous female characters in his drama comedy as well as tragedy. Among his comedies which include as you like it also rosalind is one of the greatest and most charming female personalities. She is the heroine of the play always bright interesting and fascinating. Her character shows the dynamic capacity of wearing the personality of a gorgeous lady. rosalind is only daughter of Duke senior and in heart she is extremely kind when we first meet her then we find her in a sad mood mourning the banishment of her father. She is always quick and alert in body and spirit can use her intelligence properly when the situation demands. Her role in the Forest of Arden almost becomes a symbol of dominating understanding caring loving directing the course of action. Rosalind is one of Shakespeare’s best known female characters. She is one of his strongest woman characters.

Several features of the play justify its description as romantic.The very mingling of serious and sad events with amusing scenes and situation is romantic.The ancient classical plays and the new classical plays of the later time were either purely tragic or comic . However Shakespeare did not hesitate to introduce comic situations and comic characters in his comedies tragedies  and pathetic characters. However the play as you like it creates an outstanding effects of comedy which provides much amusement and mirth to us. The most shrinking romantic element in the play is its theme of youthful and passionate love that has a universal appeal. Rosalind falls in love with Orlando at first sight and he falls in love with her at the same instant and the love of Celia and Oliver too is a romantic affair . They too fall in love with each other at first sight . phoebe”s love for Ganymede has also a romantic basis.

As you like it is romantic also in its setting . The play:s story also has been sent to the forest of Arden in rural surroundings .The Forest of Arden stimulates all faculities of a human being especially the heart and the feelings . Love at first sight stirred the deepest depth of his heart who is naturally shakes consolation in offering of amatory verse dedicated to adoration of the lost beloved. The heroin gifted with an unusually rich fund of common sense, fully alive to the silly excesses committed by youthful lovers,cautioned be celia and warned by thoucshtone. Though as you like it is the finest kind of romantic comedy. A romantic comedy is a play in which violates the classical or new classical rigid rules and norms and deals with love at first sight, emotion and passion imagination and fancy .

As you like it is a romantic comedy in its treatment of some sweet songs that add special term and melodious atmosphere in the play. To conclude the brief discussion given above proves clearly to ask that as you like it contains the qualities of romantic comedy . So it may be just to say that as you like it is a romantic comedy.Because in as you like it Shakespeare has effectively mingled romance and comedy. The play:s effect is poetic not satiric. we find an aura of freshness radiance and beauty throughout the play. Indeed as you like it is a perfect romantic comedy creation of Shakespeare.

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